Specialising in Health and Social Care


Catheter & Stoma Care


   3 hours


  £ 425.00 (Training is charged at this one daily rate)


For delegates to understand what catheters and stoma’s are and how to effectively support people who use them

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

Indentify what catheters and stoma’s are and the reasons for their use
Discuss the different selection of catheters and stoma materials in use
Understand the routes and different systems used
Identify complications that can arise
Explore the importance of a good diet in relation to catheter and stoma care
Understand the psychological aspects of living with catheters and stomas

Please fill out your details below to enquire about the course


    Delegates will be assessed at the end of the course using a multiple choice test


    Delegates will be issued with a certificate of attendance

    Catheter & Stoma Care
    Linda Ellis