Specialising in Health and Social Care


MAPPA Risk Management and Added Value Training


   3 Hours


  £ 425.00 (Training is charged at this one daily rate)


To raise awareness of the workings of MAPPA to a range of staff from the Police, Social Services, Probation, Youth Offending Services and Health as well as anyone playing an active role within the MAPPA Strategic Management Boards sub groups. The course will provide a clear understanding of the MAPPA processes and increase confidence and knowledge pertaining to risk management.

Learning Outcomes

- A clear understanding of MAPPA processes
- The issue of 'added value'
- An understanding of defensible decision making
- Better high risk management.


MAPPA training is offered to agencies that are actively involved with Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). The training course is designed to give people an overview of the MAPPA process and how it might impact on their role.

There are three formal levels of MAPPA management; all registered sexual offenders, violent or other sex offenders not subject to notification requirements and other dangerous offenders. Those under MAPPA are managed at one of three ‘risk levels’ from low to high.

Please fill out your details below to enquire about the course


    Delegates will participate in group exercises, discussion and debate. MAPPA training delivery will be supported by power point presentation, handouts and written exercises.


    All delegates will be issued with a certificate upon completion of this course

    MAPPA Risk Management and Added Value Training
    Linda Ellis