Specialising in Health and Social Care


Mental Health Legislation


   3 hours


  £ 425.00 (Training is charged at this one daily rate)


for delegates to understand the requirements of the Mental Health Act, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) / Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)

Learning Outcomes

- Understand the 1983 Mental Health Act and its amendments made in 2007
- Explore the Code of Practice (2015) and Guidance Principles of the Mental Health Act
- Identify the different sections of the Mental Health Act
- Explore the 5 statutory principles of the Mental Capacity Act
- Understand how assessment is undertaken and the role of the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)
- Explore the role of the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and the Court of Protection
- Discuss in depth the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) and the pending Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)

Please fill out your details below to enquire about the course


    Delegates will undertake an assessment of learning at the end of this course.


    Delegates will be issued with a certificate upon successful completion of this course

    Mental Health Legislation
    Linda Ellis