Specialising in Health and Social Care


Respect and Dignity in Care


   3 Hours


  £ 425.00 (Training is charged at this one daily rate)


For delegates to understand the need for all people supported in the health and social care sector to be treated with respect and dignity and practical ways of how to do this

Learning Outcomes

- Understand what is meant by respect and dignity
- Be made aware of how people fell when they are not treated with dignity and respect
- Person Centred Care
- Understand the reasons why unacceptable staff attitudes and practices must be replaced where they exist
- Framework for a Dignity Charter and its implementation

Please fill out your details below to enquire about the course


    Delegates will undertake an assessment of learning at the end of this course.


    Delegates will be issued with a certificate upon successful completion of this course

    Respect and Dignity in Care
    Linda Ellis